From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreS-Gr. 2. The Archer family is perfect, especially on Thanksgiving, when their turkey is plump and golden, / their napkins are made of lace / their table is lit with candles / they all hold hands for grace." Meanwhile, at the narrator's house, the smoke alarm is wailing, the turkey is burnt, and Dad has spilled the gravy down his shirt. Spinelli goes to the well several times too often with her comparisons, as when the narrator's family "can't tell peas from green legumes / or snails from escargot," but kids who have noticed how celebrations can vary from house to house will identify with the point she makes. Adinolfi uses gouache, colored pencils, and collage on craft paper to create energetic pictures, which she peoples with geometrically shaped family members, who are either pursuing perfection or taking part in controlled chaos. Hand-printed asides add extra fun for kids old enough to read. Ilene Cooper |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
As a mom with many imperfect Thanksgivings behind me, I loved this book! The images of both the perfect and imperfect Thanksgivings were great. Kids probably won't "get" all of it, but the best children's writing (not to mention cartoons) always has a few inside jokes to keep us grownups interested. You will not find a more fun book about Thanksgiving. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Eileen Spinelli lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, author Jerry Spinelli. As a little girl, she knew it was autumn when the family piled into her dad’s old Chevy and drove off to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, for apples. Eileen Spinelli is the author of over thirty children’s books. |


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