Overview / 简介: |
Duck and Goose, where is your pumpkin? Is it in the log? Is it under the leaves? Is it in the apple tree? Preschoolers will surely enjoy going on a pumpkin hunt with Duck and Goose . . . especially when they find the perfect pumpkin at the end! |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreS—Duck and Goose are searching for a pumpkin like the one their friend Thistle has. They look unsuccessfully in a hollow log, in a pile of bright autumn leaves, and in an apple tree. They even look under the water and on top of a stump before Thistle suggests that they look in the pumpkin patch. On the final spread, they are shown carrying a large pumpkin between them, and Goose says, "We sure know how to find a pumpkin, Duck," and Duck agrees. This appealing story is told in simple, well-chosen words and illustrated with uncluttered oil paintings done in autumn colors. Signs of the season are everywhere. Dark red apples have fallen to the ground, a lone acorn sits on a tree stump, and orange leaves lay lightly on the grass under a pellucid blue sky. Preschoolers on their annual pilgrimage to the local pumpkin patch will identify with Goose and Duck.—Mary Jean Smith, Southside Elementary School, Lebanon, TN
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
I was walking through the book store looking for books for my 17 month old and this book caught my eye because of the beautiful fall colors. The story is short (but not too short), cute and funny, and I love the illustrations. This is our first duck & goose book and now I can't wait to get more! |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Tad Hills is the author and illustrator of the ALA Notable Book Duck & Goose—called “expressive” and “adorable” in a starred review from Kirkus Reviews—and Duck, Duck, Goose, both New York Times bestsellers. His Duck & Goose boardbooks include the ALA Notable Book What’s Up, Duck?, Duck & Goose 1, 2, 3 and Duck & Goose: How Are You Feeling? He is also the illustrator of Waking Up Wendell, My Fuzzy Friends, and Knock, Knock, Who’s There? Tad lives in Brooklyn with his wife, their two children, and a dog (who will soon star in a book of his own!). |





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