Overview / 简介: |
Fiction and fact mix in this gorgeously illustrated pb that presents the life of two young snow leopards. |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Kindergarten-Grade 3–This picture book combines fact with fiction as the author presents the life of two young snow leopards. The siblings' mountain terrain is harsh and their daily forays into the ice and snow make hunting especially challenging. On one particular venture with their mother, Simi is lost in an avalanche. Alone and exhausted, he is able to drag himself to safety, but worries about how he'll ever locate his family. Siri continues to look for her brother, but a hunter's trap impedes her search. Eventually, they are reunited. This story is filled with details of the animals' existence, and its lovely, soft-focus artwork depicting their home and environment are lively and dramatic. An informative endnote gives additional facts about this endangered species.–Andrea Tarr, Corona Public Library, CA |


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