Series / 所属系列: |
My First I Can Read
Overview / 简介: |
First Thump thumps Plunk. Then Plunk plunks Thump. So Thump thumps Plunk back. Will Thump and Plunk ever stop thumping and plunking each other?
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
My little brother and I used to request this nearly every night as our bed-time book, (back in the early 80s). My favorite part was when Thump and Plunk made up- they got to have ice-cream! This reward has apparently been changed to "a swim" in the new paper-back. I also seem to remember Thump and Plunk being mice, or some sort of rodent. If you can get ahold of an original version, I would recommend that |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Janice May Udry is the author of several books for children, including the 1957 Caldecott Medal-winning A Tree is Nice, illustrated by Marc Simont, as well as The Moon Jumpers and Let's Be Enemies, both illustrated by Maurice Sendak. Ms Udry lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. |
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