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Flip Flop!
Author:   Dana M. Rau
Category: Level Reading-1  Fiction - Social  Freind  Bedtime 

Barcode: 60505774

ISBN: 9780375865831
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Level Reading
Original Price: $ 3.99
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Step into Reading :  Random House 出版的绘本类分级读物,每本书 32 页,图画都无可挑剔,故事幽默(fun stories and colorful art),故事主角都是那些最受孩子欢迎的,比如:Dora(朵拉),Thomas 小火车,Berenstain Bears(贝贝熊), Disney 的公主、Mickey 等卡通形象或者超可爱的小猫、小狗、小鸭子等小动物。这套书的另一个特点,是其图画幽默,即便是一级读物,文字量很少,但是完全用图画也能把幽默表现的淋漓尽致。其中的 Phonics Reader 部分则同时也是训练 Phonics 的好书,有趣的故事中通过押韵反复训练一些元音及元音的组合.

Overview / 简介:
Two best friends ponder over and partake in summer's seemingly endless possibilities. There's fun to be had at the sunny shore, fireworks to watch, and amusement parks to visit. This Step 1 story has big type and easy words, rhyme and rhythm, picture clues and includes two sheets of stickers!

About the Author / 作者介绍:
DANA MEACHEN RAU is the author of over 50 books for young readers. She has many, many pairs of flip-flops in her closet. She lives online at DanaMeachenRau.com. JANA CHRISTY is the illustrator of numerous books for children. She lives in the Berkshires with her husband and two sons. You can visit her online at JanaChristy.com.

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