Overview / 简介: |
卡通的人物,多彩的图画,Parr给小朋友们描述了众多不同的感受...有时我喜欢...有时我感到...简单明了的句子,适合众多孩子来阅读。 |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-Grade 2-Both of these small, simple, and sometimes very silly books feature brightly colored single-page cartoons of stick-figure-styled animals, people, and faces. In the first title, Parr shows that feelings are always changing. "Sometimes I feel like standing on my head" and "Sometimes I feel like celebrating my birthday even though it's not today" mix with "Sometimes I feel lonely" and "Sometimes I feel cranky." On the last page, the author encourages readers to share their feelings with "-someone you love." Overall, this is a nice addition to titles about the topic. In Underwear, Parr continues his series of books about "Do's and Don'ts." One double-page spread couples "Do Wash your underwear" with "Don't Use too much soap." Another advises, "Do Go shopping for underwear with a hippo" but "Don't Let her try it on," accompanied by an illustration of a hippo in ripped panties, size XL. This zany title is sure to send listeners into peals of laughter during storytime. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This book was a big hit with my first graders. It showed them that there were ways to let people know what they were feeling, sometimes without saying anything. They now also have an idea of why they are feeling the way they do about things. I loved this book as much as the kids did. |


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