Overview / 简介: |
Lulu, 是一只白底黑花的杂种狗,她的主人是一个长着雀斑的女孩。小女孩的父母教小女孩如何照顾一只又老又病的老狗。当必免不了的事情发生的时候,对过去的回忆和对未来的憧憬造成了苦乐参半的简单、感人的故事结局。 |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-Grade 2–Lulu, a black-and-white mutt, is adored by her freckle-faced owner, a girl whose parents gently guide her through the various stages of caring for an aging and then very sick dog. When the inevitable happens, memories of the past and hope for the future bring a bittersweet conclusion to this straightforward and affecting story. The emotions of the nameless narrator are clearly and simply shown. She describes how, when Lulu became blind and deaf, she "…fed her from my hand and held her water bowl so she could drink." The pictures, too, excel in tenderness without sentimentality. The realistic-looking cartoons, done with watercolor, colored pencil, and pen and ink, strongly convey the personalities of both girl and dog as they share good times and difficult moments. While this book does not break any new ground, it is accessible and appealing, and the death of a pet is a perennial childhood issue. Two similar titles, DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan's A Dog Like Jack (Holiday, 1999) and Marjorie Blain Parker's Jasper's Day (Kids Can, 2002), feature boys as main characters, so a book about a girl facing the same situation is welcome. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This is a very moving book that tells the story of a young girl and her aging dog. As she reminiscences about her dog and how he used to be, an adult will get the sense of impending doom but children may not see the dog's death coming. The book is quite positive at the outset, describing how the dog is aging but used to enjoy games, running, jumping, etc. The death comes rather fast and yes, in a blunt way, but it's touching and makes me cry every time I start reading it. It's a wonderful book for children who have an older pet and those who have recently lost one; it tells the story of love between humans and animals, the joys they bring us, and the happiness that can be found with a new pet and new bond as well. It's realistic and you can't shield children from life. This book deals with a sad subject in an open manner and makes you feel something too. I'd highly recommend it because, in addition to poignant writing the illustrations are beautiful. |


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