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A Color of His Own  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Lionni, Leo
Category: Fiction - Animals  Social  Freind  Concepts 

Barcode: 61814370

ISBN: 9780679887850
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Leo Lionni :  著名的儿童作家和绘画作家 Leo Lionni, 绘画非常有特色, 色彩很美。在美国有数量庞大的 Leo Lionni 粉丝群。

Overview / 简介:
Elephants are gray. Pigs are pink. Only the chameleon has no color of his own. He is purple like the heather, yellow like a lemon, even black and orange striped like a tiger! Then one day a chameleon has an idea to remain one color forever by staying on the greenest leaf he can find. But in the autumn, the leaf changes from green to yellow to red . . . and so does the chameleon. When another chameleon suggests they travel together, he learns that companionship is more important than having a color of his own. No matter where he goes with his new friend, they will always be alike.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Every animal has a color of its own. "Parrots are green, elephants are gray, pigs are pink." But chameleons change color wherever they go. "On lemons they are yellow. In the heather they are purple." One chameleon is not pleased with his changeable appearance. He thinks, "If I remain on a leaf, I shall be green forever, and so I too will have a color of my own." Of course, what he doesn't take into account is the changes wrought by autumn, and soon the green chameleon is yellow, then red, and then tumbled to the ground for the long black winter night. It isn't until he befriends another older, wiser chameleon that our hero begins to find inner peace, even as his outer surface is transformed again and again.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
As a library clerk for the past two years, I have loved this book for a long time, and it's absolutely my favorite. Aside from the fact that Lionni was a giften writer and illustrator (who will be sadly missed), I love this book because it's a story about being accepted, and learning to accept yourself. As if any of us know what color we are, literally or metaphorically. The most we can hope for is to find someone with whom we can share all our different colors.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Leo Lionni wrote and illustrated more than 40 highly acclaimed children's books. He received the 1984 American Institute of Graphic Arts Gold Medal and was a four-time Caldecott Honor winner—for Inch by Inch, Frederick, Swimmy, and Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse. Leo Lionni died in October of 1999 at his home in Tuscany, Italy.

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