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Owl Moon(美国凯迪克大奖获奖绘本)  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Yolen, Jane
Category: Fiction - Award  AwardWinner  Experience 

Barcode: 61805705

ISBN: 9780399214578
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.99
价值: ¥102
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥24,期限为一个月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Among the greatest charms of children is their ability to view a simple activity as a magical adventure. Such as a walk in the woods late at night. Jane Yolen captures this wonderment in a book whose charm rises from its simplicity. "It was late one winter night, long past my bedtime, when Pa and I went owling." The two walked through the woods with nothing but hope and each other in a journey that will fascinate many a child. John Schoenherr's illustrations help bring richness to the countryside adventure. The book won the 1988 Caldecott Medal.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Owl Moon is a wonderful story of a young girl's first hunt for the Great Horned Owl with her father. As they trek through the snowy forest, Jane Yolen's text and John Schoenherr's illustrations work together to create a realistic adventure and to express good parenting. The picture book comes to life through a peaceful countryside and a still forest. The child's continual silence and concentration add to the hunt. Within the text the child says, "I put my mittens over my mouth and listened hard." This displays her constant effort to remain quiet and to take the adventure seriously. Each illustration depicts a calm forest dominated by snow and nature. I feel that this book contains ideas that are "simple but not necessarily simplistic" much like Perry Nodelman's analysis of children's literature (221). For instance, in many scenes animals can be found hiding without the knowledge of the characters. The animals all sit calmly. This shows that the intent of the father and child is not to disturb nature but to quietly observe and to be apart of it just while they pass. This idea can not be found written within the text yet, it is understood when they see an owl and do not shoot it. This peaceful respect for nature that the father is instilling in his child is shown when they came to the clearing in the dark woods. She speaks of how the fit it exactly "and the snow below it was whiter than the milk in a cereal bowl." This emphasizes her grasp of the beauty and enjoyment natural world in a child-like way. It brings to mind games equal to finding shapes in clouds. The illustrator has also gone through the trouble of presenting the field in the shape of a large bowl. I feel that the most important aspect of the work is the example of good parenting it delivers. He spends quality time with his children, while he instills important morals. Pa has also taken all of her brothers owling and they have told her "sometimes there's an owl and sometimes there isn't." This reveals a sense of close family unity in which can be seen as the positive message of the story. However, the tone is not didactic. Pa even uses onomatopoeia to make the adventure more intense. He calls the owl with a long "Whoo-whoo-who-who-who-whooooooo." All of this helps emphasis the joy of the communion with nature. Her father has been instilling a respect for the owl and natural world, while strengthening the father child relationship.

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爱巢果果妈: 令人神往的故事情景!     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/10/14 0:48:00
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jim: 凯迪克金奖-月下看猫头鹰     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/12/26 22:26:00
在一个无风的隆冬夜晚,爸爸带着女孩一块去拜访森林里的猫头鹰。月亮高高地挂在天空,映着整个天是如此的光亮,远处传来火车的汽笛声,又长又低还带着点忧伤,回应这汽笛声的是阵阵狗吠声……一路上女孩一点声音也不敢有,因为爸爸不断地提醒她:拜访猫头鹰一定要非常安静才可以。空荡荡的雪地上,两人就这么一前一后地走着,只留下长短不一的脚印。爸爸和小女孩如置身在梦境般的宁静中,悄悄地追寻着猫头鹰的行踪。 这是怎么样的一段冒险?他们能否找到向往已久的猫头鹰?绘者以广角大视野的表现方式,将冬天静谧冷沁的感觉,真实地呈现出来,更把父女相互依存及传承的感觉表现无遗。
作者/ 简·约伦( Jane Yolen) [美国],1939年2月11日出生于美国纽约。她曾先后担任过儿童书画家协会会长、美国科幻作家协会会长,被美国的《新闻周刊》誉为“美国的安徒生”和“20世纪的伊索”。她的童书代表作有《魔鬼的算术》(The Devil's Arithmetic ,1988)、《如何让恐龙道晚安》(How do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? ,2000)绘者/约翰·勋伯赫(John Schoenherr) [美国],其作品曾先后获得过世界科幻小说奖、动物画家协会奖、费城自然科学院银奖及凯迪克奖等。约翰·勋伯赫从小便是一位大自然及动物的热爱者,经常与动物为伴,而且喜欢到各处观察大自然野生动物,有很多关于动物的杰出作品。
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