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Happy Mother's Day, Mami!  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Valdes, Leslie
Category: Fiction - Family  Celebrations  Parent 

Barcode: 88104638

ISBN: 9780689852336
Pages: 24
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Dora the Explorer :  朵拉探险系列,著名电视动画片,被认为迄今为止美国最成功的幼儿电视动画片,国内有引进的动画片以及双语书,而且卫星的卫星电视中 Nickelodeon 频道有此动画片。丰富有趣的知识、活泼好玩的游戏、乐于助人的朋友,整个系列很受孩子喜欢。Nickelodeon 频道也有本馆收藏的其他系列书的动画片:SpongeBob Squarepants、Yo Gabba Gabba、Go Diego Go!、Blue's Clues 等。

Overview / 简介:

It's Mother's Day! Dora has decided to make a special cake for her mami, but first she must gather all the ingredients. Join Dora as she gets ready to make her mami's Mother's Day present, and find out what her friends make for their mommies along the way!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Happy Mother's Day, Mami! tells the story of Dora finding the ingedients she needs in order to make a special Mother's Day cake for her Mami. There are 3 recipe cards laid out, and Dora asks the reader "Do you see the recipe card that has bananas, nuts, and chocolate?" Dora doesn't have the needed ingredients, so with the help of trusty Map, she ventures to the Banana Grove, through the Nutty Forest, and finally arrives at the Chocolate Tree. Along the way, she encounters her friends Boots, Tico the squirrel, Benny the bull, and Isa the iguana...all who have created beautiful presents for their Mothers in celebration of El Dia de las Madres. Of course, no Dora story would be complete without sneaky Swiper the fox trying to swipe something...and in this case, it's Isa's bouquet of flowers that she's about to give to her Mom for Mother's Day. Dora brings back the needed ingredients, and her papi (father) helps mix the batter for the special cake. Mami thinks the cake tastes delicioso! This fun story teaches children several Spanish words, including how to count one through six in Spanish. In fact, the inside front cover features a chart featuring 13 English words, the Spanish term, and the Spanish pronunciation of each.

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lawyershen: 摘果子     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/11/1 4:58:00
四岁的妞妞最近迷朵拉,这本书就是她自己选的多本朵拉之一。虽然标为6级,我还是按她的意愿借了。情节跟所有朵拉故事差不多,为给妈妈做蛋糕,需要去寻找巧克力等材料。讲到树上只有一颗巧克力,而且在很高的地方。我按书上的意思讲“Can you strech up high and catch the chocolate?" 妞妞没有像我意想的那样站起来伸手假装摘果子,而是直接用手去书上摘果子,动作飞快,轻松着呢呵呵
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