Overview / 简介: |
Daddy drives a big red tanker truck, and he's away on the road a lot. But once in a while, he's near enough to pick up his little boy from preschool. And today is one of those very special days! All day as he plays at school, the little boy pictures Daddy's truck making its way toward him. Meanwhile, Daddy pushes on, down the highway, over mountains, through tunnels, and uh-oh-into a horrendous traffic jam!
Now all the other mommies and daddies have come to pick up their kids from school. But where is Daddy?
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-Grade 1–A preschooler wakes up excited, knowing that his trucker daddy will be picking him up from school in his tanker truck. Throughout the day, the boy's thoughts are on the impending time with his dad. Some of the illustrations depict the father's activities with childlike, crayonlike drawings, perhaps created by the young protagonist. Other illustrations with fuller, brighter hues follow his activities. Bouncy rhyming text accompanies the simple pictures. I'm waiting and waiting so hard./I hum our favorite song./Humming through my sandwich,/'Daddy don't be long!' The man is stuck in traffic, but when he finally arrives, the boy is full of glee and runs into his arms. The trucker dad is depicted wearing blue jeans and a white T-shirt, and he sports a short ponytail, an earring, and tattoos. The happy twosome set off for the open road together. While not an essential purchase, the subject matter will appeal to the crowds of boys who can't get enough truck books.–DeAnn Okamura, San Mateo County Library, CA |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
The little boy in this story is excited because it's daddy's turn to pick him up from school. His daddy drives a big red tanker truck, and is returning home from a long way off.
The colorful and hyperkinetic drawings underscore the boy's eagerness to see his dad, and his father's race to make to school on time. Great for kids whose fathers travel, or who don't get to see their fathers as often as they would like, or who just plain love big trucks! |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Jana Novotny Hunter is an Albert Whitman author. |





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