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Overview / 简介: |
硬皮精装本的名书,原价 $15.99, 3.5折!小安妮将录这本书的部分音频。
拿到这本书,最大最显眼的特点就是猫的两只眼睛,那是两个大大的凸出的能够转动的圆球,以及每页上都有的两个大洞!这本书是 Ten Little 系列书中的一本,该系列中的第一本,Ten Little Dinosaurs(也是一样的两只大眼睛!)是一本畅销书,屡获大奖(the Colorado Book Award, the Colorado Children's Choice Book Award, and Dr. Toys' 100 Best Children's Products),单本销量超过200万!
大16开本,全书24页,从10只小猫咪开始倒数,文字的节奏与风格有点类似 Five Little Monkeys, 但每次的歌词文字可不仅仅是数量减少了一个,文字本身也不一样。每次的文字都是一首小歌谣,押韵好听,难得的训练韵律节奏的好书!而且,书的结尾也更加有味:倒数到 0 后,文字内容是:No little kitens, buying tickets at the zoo! NO PETS ALLOWED, if that gives you a clue. 然后下一页,画面是一只老鼠,在垃圾筒旁里清里着什么,旁边一只大老虎在树荫下乘凉,上面的小桥上有个人在往下看着这一切。然后文字是:But look, who is this ... peeking out at you? I guess they DO allow kittens at the zoo! 这里的文字内容真是耐人寻味:DO allow kittens at the zoo, 是以为这只懒洋洋的大老虎就是一只猫呢,还是说动物园里老鼠泛滥,因此真的需要猫咪?最后一页,则是歌中唱的10只不同种类的猫的图片、名字,以及简介。真的是不同的人有不同的收获,每读一次的收获也不同!
这次团购的,还有作者的另外一本 Ten Little Puppies,同样的风格同样的价格。
Everyone's favorite countdown is back! Marian and Jim Harris have returned with another pet-tastic counting book. Written in lyrical rhyme, Ten Little Kittens will charm pint-sized picture book fans (and their parents) with its richly detailed illustrations of the kittens' quirky adventures. Starting with the requisite bed-jumping, our furry little heroes go on to wrangle the Loch Ness Monster, play dress up rather royally, and do some ill-fated Christmas tree trimming. Kids will be kept on their toes, wondering, "what's next?" as they count all the way down to the last mischievous little kitten.
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This is a great book for young children. I got it for a two year old and she loves it. The pages are a little hard to turn at first because the circle cut-outs for the googly eyes are sort of tight. I'm sure this will ease up as the book is used. A young child will not care about the different breeds of cats (more interesting to the person doing the reading) but they love the eyes and the looks of the different cats. The breeds will come later. Great book. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Marian and Jim Harris have worked on several books together. Jim is an award-winning illustrator. They live in New Zealand. |




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