From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Molly's day begins with an expedition to a pick-your-own-strawberries farm; it ends with her placing a berry in each ear before saying goodnight, so as to make good on her father's prophecy that they will have the fruit "coming out of our ears." In between, she helps her mother make preserves, eats meals centered on strawberries (dinner is "spaghetti and strawberry balls" followed by strawberries with cream), decorates the house with strawberries, and even dreams about them during her nap. Conrad's ( The Tub People ) story is nicely told but insubstantial, and its sweetness--like strawberry confections themselves--becomes cloying after a while. Molly's seemingly unqualified fondness for the fruit is odd but neither satisfyingly funny nor especially original (the dream sequence, for example, seems rote). Szilagyi's ( Thunderstorm ) figures are gentle but generic, her palette heavy and muddy, with little to evoke the airy, sun-drenched freshness of early summer. In the end, bland fare. Ages 3-7.
Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc. |
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