Great ready to read (level 1) reader. Classic fairy tale of goldilocks and the three bears updated to current generation. Great illustrations. Show More Show Less
由于格格已事先听过这个音频(去年从童话盒子里听到的),所以对故事的内容并不陌生。在我们全文读完后,格格说:[b]Goldilocks has bad manners[/b]。我听完她这么说有点吃惊呀,问她是否能详细的说出有哪些?格格回答:[b]she didn't asked the owner can she come into the house?eat porridge?seat the chair?sleep in bed? when she left,she didn't say thank you or good-bye.So when the owner came back,they felt anger, surprise and sad。[/b]由于书里隐藏了一个有趣的时钟认知,所以又回头看了一下时间认知没有想到格格的时间说法已经很了解了。
绘本讲得是三只熊吃早餐的时候觉得早餐太热就出去走一会儿,结果Goldilocks闯进他们的房子,把宝宝熊的早餐吃掉了,把宝宝熊的椅子弄坏了,还睡在了宝宝熊的床上。三只熊回到家后宝宝熊很伤心。可是Goldilocks却逃跑了,是不是很坏呢。绘本的背面还有一部分ready to tell,很适合在引导孩子阅读这本绘本的时候对绘本内容进行复述,是一本很不错的绘本。