From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-Grade 1—When Brown Rabbit travels by bus to the city for a highly anticipated visit with his friend Little Rabbit, things are spoiled by her busy schedule. "They went across busy streets, and in and out of many shops.... Brown Rabbit stopped to catch his breath and brush the dust from his ears. 'Hurry up!' called Little Rabbit." In the end, all is well as her exhausted and sad guest explains that he came to see her, not the city, and suggests that they spend the rest of the time together. This is an appealing treatment of a problem seldom addressed in children's books. The fact that Brown Rabbit's difficulty is with a friend, not a parent, is a nicely indirect approach, lessening the emotional intensity it might otherwise have. The smooth writing reads well aloud, and the charming illustrations add a gentle touch. Done with the process of screen printing, their soft colors and light, expressive lines expertly convey the feelings behind the story. A thoughtful and interesting choice.—Lauralyn Persson, Wilmette Public Library, IL
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
I picked this book up in a bookstore, not having read MOON RABBIT, because its illustrations looked interesting. When I got it home and read it to my toddler, we were both entranced by the artwork. It's just gorgeous.
The story's a good one, too: Brown Rabbit's off to the city to meet with his friend Little Rabbit, but ends up getting a little lost in the shuffle. Russell does a good job of communicating the urban hustle and bustle in her artwork, and the story's structure builds naturally to a resolution that I found touching and cute.
This was the first Natalie Russell book that I bought, but on the strength of it I've ordered MOON RABBIT and bought a copy to give as a gift. Russell's art just has the "something" that appeals to both toddlers and adults, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it. |




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