Overview / 简介: |
Lisa's Airplane Trip is one of two titles launching the Misadventures of Gaspard and Lisa series. Lisa experiences for the first time in her life what it is like to travel on an airplane when she flies by herself to meet her uncle in the United States. The meal, movie, and other passengers provide endless amusement for Lisa--until an unfortunate accident with her orange juice. Fortunately, a very nice flight attendant makes everything better with a quick wash in the bathroom, followed by a special trip to the cockpit.
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
These smaller-format picture books record the vacation misadventures of two diminutive stuffed dogs, who wear tasteful scarves and behave with unusual aplomb. They are the only stuffed dogs in sight; the rest of the players are human. Lisa flies from Paris to New York on a large airplane, where her excited wiggling prompts her seatmate to move, and her small stature makes watching the movie a problem. After she upsets the orange juice glass she has been standing on and gets a bath from a flight attendant, she tours the cockpit. "You smell very nice," the pilot tells her. "It was the soap," Lisa explains. In the other book, Gaspard, tired of endless museum tours in Venice, appropriates a little red kayak and evades capture until nightfall, when he is reunited with his parents. Lisa's is the better story Gutman pays more attention to the problems of being small in a world of large people, and Lisa is conjured with real charm but Gaspard's is more impressive visually. Hallensleben's rich, intelligent oil paintings render Venice's architectural marvels in shifting shades of turquoise, terra-cotta and gold. Smaller panels convey the fast action of Gaspard's trip through the canals and his collision with a gondola. Hallensleben's work for Lisa is no less engaging; he knows what it's like to be a child with a glassful of orange juice coming straight at you. Both are winsome flights of fancy. Ages 3-6. (Mar.)
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
I'm a big fan of children's picture books. Yes, I'm nearly 40! But the best picture books transcend age and can be as much a delight for adults as for kids. "Lisa's Airplane Trip" and "Gaspard on Vacation", the first two in the Misadventures of Gaspard and Lisa series, are among the best of the year so far-- colorful and delightful stories of two travelling dogs, with whimsical and hilarious painted illustrations.
"Lisa's Airplane Trip" is my favorite of the two: fluffy white dog Lisa is taking her first airplane trip. In bright, colorful paintings and uncomplicated text we fly along with her from Paris to New York--annoying the woman sitting next to her, struggling to be tall enough to watch the in-flight movie, eating the airline meal (a wonderfully detailed page showing absolutely everything you get for lunch) and a very cute sequence where Lisa has a mishap with a glass of orange juice (and gets a bath in the sink from a very kind flight attendant). It's incredible cute without being saccharine, and George Hallensleben's detailed and vivid illustrations are colorful and delightful. Lisa is expressive and fun to look at and the humor is gentle and reassuring.
Any kid who's taken an airplane trip will identify with Lisa's in-flight predicaments. "Lisa's Airplane Trip" makes a great quick bedtime read--but you'll love Lisa as much as your kids!
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