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Shopping Day (Busy Tots, Little Ticktock)  有书评
Author:   Ltd, TickTock Books
Category: Fiction - General 

Barcode: 81104352

ISBN: 9781846967993
Pages: 10
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 纸板书,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.95
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Little Ticktock

Overview / 简介:
Familiar activities and novel experiences are showcased in these photographic concept books for curious toddlers. Each page spread is packed with first words, counting activities, colors to recognize, and things to spot. Concepts and objects are introduced with tactile elements such as wool, fur, rubber, foil, flock, and a sticky effect that will delight young readers. Birthday celebrations, vacations, shopping trips, and household tasks are given a pint-sized perspective that is sure to please.

A shopping excursion holds high excitement for little ones. A ride in the car, a seat in the shopping cart, a tour down the grocery aisles, a stop at the garden center for plants, and lunch at a cafe make for a lovely day.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
TickTock Books Ltd publishes innovative books for children.

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安妮鲜花济南思乐特分馆: 宝宝购物     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2012/11/15 15:08:00
后面的内容有出行前准备的工具,还有购物前做的事情,购物中的过程,以及最后买回家的物品。其中有很强的触摸性,孩子会很喜欢这种触摸的感觉,以图片和名词匹配,可以很好的让孩子了解到这个物品是怎样用英语读的 。其间设置了一些简单反问句和图画相匹配,让孩子自己去探索问题的答案,会让孩子一直保持新鲜和好奇的心理把这本书看完,读懂。还了解到了购物中所需的物品和购物中的乐趣。适合0-3岁孩子观看。
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