Series / 所属系列: |
Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science
Overview / 简介: |
Bedtime often seems to come too early, but what would happen if you never went to sleep? When scientists decided to find out, they discovered that your brain needs a rest after a long day of thinking, just as your muscles would need a rest after a long day of work. A different kind of bedtime story, this book is the perfect response to the question ‘Can’t I stay up a little longer?’ |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This is a brilliant book. I purchased it when my 2.5 year old son was refusing to sleep to try to explain to him that everyone sleeps, and why everyone sleeps. I could relate the facts in the book to things he understood, including when Caroline (a character in the book) goes to sleep and how she gets cranky when she doesn't get her nap. Thereafter he would say he needed his sleep so that he wasnt cranky like Caroline! He loves reading the book before nap and bed time - and the last few pages about drifting off to sleep help him unwind and relax ready for his own sleep. I also learnt a few things from this book - who knew that chickens eyelids go up, or that snakes have no eyelids! |
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