Overview / 简介: |
The genesis of a book, "from the author's inspiration through the presentation of the completed book to a grateful child. Aliki's lucid explanation of the book making process is clearer than--but every bit as accurate as--many explanations written for adults. Marks a high spot in informational writing for children |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
THis book is intended for "imature audiences only",but is a great orientation to the publishing/printing industry. Many of us in the industry are inclined to give newcomers the micro details without the bigger picture. This book, in a very effective and simplistic way, takes a new employee through the overview of how a book is made. Often, reading this book prior to training allows for greater retention of more detailed facts learned during training. While the overview is excellent, the technology represented is very outdated. Many of the processes happen on computer now. I would love the publisher to do an updated version! |
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