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Reading Together - One, Tow, Flea!  有 mp3
Author:   Allan Ahlberg
Category: Fiction - AwardWinner 

Barcode: 61629837

ISBN: 4719858871538
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 2.99
价值: ¥30
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥6,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Reading Together

Overview / 简介:
READ AND SHARE is a unique first library for parents and children that helps build early readers’ confidence. Grouped in four progressive levels, Read and Share books - available individually for the first time - are specially selected for qualities that encourage literacy skills and a love of reading.

Sixteen top-quality books with notes for extending reading fun inspire the confidence parents and children need to experience the joys of reading . . . together. Plus an informative Parents’ Handbook!

What is Read and Share?

—An expert selection of sixteen high-quality picture books by superb authors and illustrators, featuring a multicultural array of subjects, including poetry and rhymes, traditional songs, stories, and information books

—Four progressive levels - Beginnings, Early Steps, Next Steps, and Taking Off - each including four fabulous picture books

—Two full spreads inside each book offering suggestions and activities inspired by the story, designed to help parents and children get the most out of each book - and build a foundation for reading success

—A separate 24-page, full-color Parents’ Handbook providing extensive practical information and detailed answers to many of the questions parents ask about encouraging their children’s literacy

About the Author / 作者介绍:
作者:(英国)艾伦·亚伯格(Allan Ahlberg) 译者:周逸芬 插图者:(英国)吉里安·泰勒(Gillian Tyler) 艾伦·亚伯格,英国知名儿童文学作家。在成为童书作者之前,曾经当过邮差、掘墓工人和铅管工人。他从不介意提及自己那段四处打工的日子,因为“生命中的每一个经历和记忆,都会成为日后创作的素材”。他与已逝妻子合作的《快乐邮差过圣诞》,曾获英国格林威大奖。

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