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Goodbye to Goldie
Author:   Manushkin, Fran
Category: Fiction - Humorous  Popular  Social 

Barcode: 88096346

ISBN: 9781404860575
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,First Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 3.95
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Katie Woo

Overview / 简介:
Katie Woo's dog, Goldie, was very old. Goldie became sick and died. Katie will miss her friend. She is glad that she has lots of happy memories of Goldie.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Katie Woo is a 6 years old and is 1st grade. She is Chinese American and has 2 best friends Pedro and JoJo. In this book Katie Woo special dog is Goldie. Goldie is old and gets sick and then dies. Katie is sad and with the help of her family and friends Katie laughs and remembers all the special times with Goldie. They make a scrapbook page of Katie and Goldie together. Also included in each book is a glossary of words, 3 discussion questions and 3 writing prompts,and Having fun with Katie Woo. In this book the fun is: To make a scrapbook page, like Katie did, but you can make yours for whatever you like! These books lead to thinking about the story and situation Katie is in in this book. There is also a website about Katie Woo and friends and can be found at Cap Stone Kids, add the words together and add .com . The website contains Lean more about Katie Woo, her friends, downloads and books. That's where I found that Katie was 6 and in 1st grade! I really like these easy 3 chapter books. Each page has color illustration and big easy read print. I think this would be perfect for 1st graders! I think children will love Katie Woo, she's cool and hip and is a normal kid! Plus for children just getting into chapter books this is a good confidence builder - I can read a chapter book!

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Fran Manushkin is a Capstone Press author.

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