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 Also By This Author...

 Book Details...

Little Red's Autumn Adventure
Author:   Sarah Ferguson
Category: Fiction - AwardWinner  General 

Barcode: 82046545

ISBN: 9780689843419
Pages: 40
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.99
价值: ¥102
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥24,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
It is a splendid autumn afternoon at Buttercup Cottage. After Little Red and her friends set off on their way to the Great Harvest Festival, they happen on two little mice who’ve lost their way. Little Red shrinks down to their size and offers to lend a hand. With the help of her dear friends, it’s Little Red to the rescue as she helps the mice find their mother in time for everyone to enjoy a splendiferous time at the festival!

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Sarah Ferguson, The Duchess of York, is the author of several children’s books, including Ballerina Rosie; Tea for Ruby, illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser; and the Little Red series as well as a memoir, Finding Sarah. The Duchess is a devoted spokesperson for many charitable organizations, including Changes for Children. She has two daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie. Sam Williams is the author, illustrator, and designer of numerous picture books for young children. Some of the books he’s lent his talent to include Baby Cakes and Baby ,I Love You by Karma Wilson. He recently put down his paintbrushes and took up the challenge to climb Mount Blanc. Sam lives with his wife in Hertfordshire, England.

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