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Peppe The Lamplighter
Author:   Bartone, Elisa
Category: Fiction - Family  History 

Barcode: 81297634

ISBN: 9780688102692
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 14.99
价值: ¥90
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥21,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
Peppe becomes a lamplighter to help support his immigrant family in turn-of-the-century New York City, despite his papa's disapproval. But when Peppe's job helps save his little sister, he earns the respect of his entire family.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Bartone deftly vivifies a slice of American history--and the immigrant experience--in this touching story of a boy's quest to win his sick father's respect. In New York City's Little Italy at the turn of the century, Peppe must support his eight sisters and cantankerous father. His job as lamplighter takes on mythic proportions as he brings light to the streets--"a small flame of promise for the future"--and eventually drives away the doubts that darken his father's heart. With its evocative descriptions of an earlier era, Bartone's thoughtful, fluid text, while uniquely personal, is universal in scope. Lewin's dramatically rendered watercolors, their grim realism shot through with lamplight, perfectly suit the mood. These detailed street scenes, with their honest faces and authentic period garb, exhibit a cinematic sweep that proves quite remarkable. (Interior scenes, rich in the play of light and shadow, are equally striking.) The story ends on a sentimental note, but the earnest paintings keep it from seeming trite. Ages 6-up.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
A children's book about immigrant life in Little Italy in lower Manhattan around 1900. A young boy gets a job as a lamplighter to help bring in income for his family. His father doesn't like it but comes to recognize its value and contributions to the community. The book is beautifully and authentically illustrated by Ted Lewis and it was a 1994 Caldecott Honor book (i.e., runner-up to the Medal winner) for best illustrations in a book for children. Children come to appreciate the importance of all jobs.

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