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 Book Details...

Absolutely Lucy
Author:   Cooper, Ilene
Category: Fiction - Animals  Social 

Barcode: 74284498

ISBN: 9780307265029
Pages: 74
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4 & Up
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
Bobby Quinn is shy. In fact, he's so shy, he has trouble making friends. But that changes when he gets a squirmy little puppy for his birthday. Unlike Bobby, Lucy isn't shy at all. And to his surprise, she keeps dragging him into all sorts of adventures--and friendships, too! With longer chapters and occasional black-and-white illustrations, Mile 5 Road to Reading books are just right for the independent reader.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 1-3-Children who are stretching their reading wings will enjoy these short chapter books. In Lucy, Bobby Quinn is a shy child who has no friends until he receives a beagle puppy for his eighth birthday. Named after a favorite baby-sitter who has moved away, Lucy becomes the child's best friend. During a long, hot summer, she helps him develop special relationships with an elderly neighbor, a talkative girl at dog obedience school, and a new boy who is also shy. Bobby's fears of new people and situations are skillfully captured, and the story is entertaining and well plotted. Bobby is an endearing character, and he and his dog are an appealing combination. Ghost Horse also deals with making friends, but with a supernatural touch. When Emily's family moves to a small town, she is unhappy about leaving her friends behind. From her new bedroom window, she spies a ghost horse and, with the help of a classmate, learns more about the fate of "Moonlight" and his owners. While many readers will identify more with the realistic portrayals in Cooper's work, Stanley's story also results in new friendships and provides readers with a bit of a mystery to solve. Welcome additions to any collection in which short chapter books are in demand.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I've tried, unsucessfully, a number of times to introduce my son to chapter books. He is only four, but will be turning five soon. I wanted him to experience the imaginative process of developing an image in his mind from what he hears. This is the first book that has held his interest. He can't read it himself but I can see his face change expression as he listens - I know his mind is at work. We always only read one chapter at a time, drawing the story out. He always can recall the story up to the starting point and is anxious to hear another chapter. I feel like the "magic" of books has been taken to a new level for our little reader - what an amazing thing to see.

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