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Little Green Peas: A Big Book of Colors (The Peas Series)
Author:   Keith Baker
Category: Nonfiction - Concepts 

Barcode: 74260881

ISBN: 9781442476608
Pages: 40
Age / Level: 0-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 17.99
价值: ¥108
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥25,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
A passel of playful peas keeps it green as they experience the colorful world around them, from red kites to yellow buses to purple mountains and more! Bright and bold illustrations fill the pages of this delightful exploration of color.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
This delightful, energetic concept book showcases nine colors and is a worthy companion to Baker’s recent titles: LMNO Peas (2010) and 1 2 3 Peas (2012). Each color is designated two full-page spreads. Brightly hued, digitally rendered illustrations present the name of each color in large block letters, with every letter a varying texture and shade of the featured tint. The exuberance continues on the following pages, as the peas take part in the sports and entertainment specific to a particular season, which serves as a backdrop. The introductory color has a summertime theme: “BLUE: Blue boats, blue seas, blue flags and little green peas,” and the sweet peas are oh so busy. The pages offer plenty of white space and are fun to scrutinize, as there are peas piloting boats, riding on an ocean liner, sunbathing, scuba diving, looking for treasure, and building a sandcastle, among numerous other warm-weather activities. Simple rhymes scan well, and listeners will soon be enthusiastically joining in the refrain. This title also serves as seek-and-find entertainment since there is a ladybug and a paper airplane to be found on every page. Learning about colors has seldom been this much fun. Outstanding! Preschool-Kindergarten. --Maryann Owen

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Humorous, beautiful illustrations, rhymes, and then, on top of it all, teaching the concepts of color, including black and white. What's not to love. Recommend for ages 1 to 6. Keith Baker hits it out of the ball park with these lovable green peas. And added possible plus --- this book might make pea-lovers out of pea-skeptics!

About the Author / 作者介绍:
KEITH BAKER is the author-illustrator of many beloved picture books, including Little Green, Hide and Snake, and Quack and Count. He lives in Seattle, Washington

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