Overview / 简介: |
欢迎光临彩色动物园!本书藉由十六种颜色和九组形状变化,转换出九种不同的动物:由狮子变山羊、牛变猴子、老虎变狮子...,读者在每一页皆会欣赏到一种不同的动物,还学会颜色及形状的概念。这是一本充满创意,好玩又神奇的洞洞书,将会是小读者的好玩伴。 |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
My daughter (who is only one) loves to flip through this book and look at the different colors and shapes. Because each page has a shape cut out of it, this makes the pages easy for her to grasp and flip. Out of all of her board books, I find myself reaching for his one time and time again because it occupies her the longest. In contrast to some books that she will barely look at and others she will look at only with my direction, this book is one that she will find all on her own and quietly flip through the pages.
Even for me, I find the concept simple but mesmerizing. There is something fascinating about looking at the shape and seeing how the animal changes into a different animal as you flip the page. It makes you think about shapes and colors in a very abstract way.
I would definitely recommend this book as a foundational block in any young child's library. The book itself is sturdy and the colors are bold and vivid. It's a great concept that's been executed effectively. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
作者Lois Ehler毕业于威斯康辛大学,在童书界是享誉盛名的作家与插画家。此外,她也是一位美术老师及设计师,除了绘画作品,她也设计儿童玩具、衣服、海报目录等产品。 |
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