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Goose's Story  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Best, Cari
Category: Fiction - Animals  Humorous 

Barcode: 88673769

ISBN: 9780374400323
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4 & Up
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 3-When a girl and her dog, Henry, greet the Canada geese as they return in the spring, she notices that one has been injured and is missing a foot. The others in the flock shun the goose, but the child worries about it. Her parents warn her not to interfere-the animal must grow strong on its own to survive. Saddened by its plight, the youngster can't help herself; she and her dog observe, talk to, and sometimes feed the bird. Over the summer, the creature begins to hobble on one leg and eventually swim, but the family still wonders how it will get up enough speed to fly. Then one day, all the geese are gone. After worrying all winter, the child and Henry hear honking from above in early spring, and welcome back "their" goose-and her mate. Based on an experience with a real goose that landed in the author's yard, Best's story will appeal to young nature lovers and to anyone with a soft spot for an underdog. Meade's paper-collage illustrations capture the action as well as the glory of the passing seasons. This is a heartwarming story with a tender message about accepting others in spite of their differences and helping those who are less able. Jeanne Clancy Watkins, Chester County Library, Exton, PA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Cari Best is my favorite children's book author. My daughter is two and she loves Best's stories. Goose's story is a wonderful tale about love, friendship, family, animals, and trust. Best writes wonderfully, and the words are beautiful time after time.

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hanahaiyans: 鹅的故事     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/8/12 11:25:00
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linda: 一只脚的鹅真实温暖的故事     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2017/11/13 9:34:00
《Goose's story》小yu说这是个让人感动的故事,有一只鹅的脚受伤了,一只脚的鹅形单影只,其它的鹅都不与它为伍。小yu也学着那个女孩单脚站立,数到100我让继续看时才停下来。一只脚的鹅也慢慢地学会了hobble on her stumpy leg蹒跚迈步,接着还学会了游泳,在游泳时它和其它的鹅看起来没什么区别。这要付出多大的努力才能做到呀!天气变凉了,我要去上学,鹅们要南飞过冬。一只脚的鹅能不能飞走?我和家人甚至我的狗亨利都一齐为它担心。秋天冬天,池塘里的冰融化了,我是第一个看到红胸知更鸟,预示着春天又来到了。听到鹅的叫声,我们焦急地望去:一只脚的鹅飞回来了,并且身旁多了一只更雄壮的公鹅,公鹅处处保护它,领着七只小鹅,一只脚的鹅妈妈殿后,温柔地和小鹅交谈着,幸福的画面。我和小yu曾在玫瑰里公园看到过一只脚受伤的鹅,冬天的湖面结冰了,跛脚的鹅时不时地容易打滑。所以小yu着急地对人说这是一个真实的故事。
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