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Toot and Puddle: I'll Be Home for Christmas  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Hobbie, Holly
Category: Fiction - Animals  Christmas  Action 

Barcode: 62906975

ISBN: 9780316033831
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Toot and Puddle

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Come canceled flights or high snowdrifts, piglet pals Toot & Puddle will be together for Christmas in Hobbie's latest series charmer. Globe-trotting Toot, who has been in Scotland for a family reunion (and who has a tam and tartan kilt to show for it), promises homebody Puddle that he'll make it back to Woodcock Pocket for Christmas. But severe winter weather nearly derails that plan. Luckily, a magical heirloom and a certain red-suited sleigh driver help Toot along. Hobbie's chipper text and alternately cozy and funny watercolors are as winning as ever. Ages 4-8.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This is perhaps the most visually beautiful, and certainly the best plotted, of the "Toot and Puddle" picture books. Holly Hobbie's ever-dazzling watercolors are back in force, and she really shines painting snow scenes. As in their first book, Toot the pig is off traveling while his best friend Puddle carries on at home, and the book skillfully cuts back and forth between their comic efforts. This time Toot is visiting an aunt in Scotland, who gives him her "lucky nut" as a keepsake. He sends word to Puddle assuring him that he will indeed be home to Woodcock Pocket for Christmas, whereupon Puddle happily busies himself with holiday decorating and baking. But Toot's plane is delayed by ice, and when he finally lands in Boston the whole city is shut down by snow. He bravely hikes off into the woods, but can only go so far. As he sits down to shiver, he notices the lucky nut and makes a wish upon it that he will make it home somehow. Soon he hears the jingle of bells... well, you can guess what happens! It is cleverly done, and never explicitly stated or known by the pigs who exactly gives Toot a lift in his sleigh. Naturally the pigs are delighted to be reunited at home, whereupon they hang the lucky nut on their tree and they go to bed on Christmas Eve knowing they will wake up together on Christmas. All in all, a satisfying and suitably magical book for kids (say, preschool through 2nd grade) - and for adults who like fine painting, and reunions too!

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