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Peek-A-Boo What?  有书评 有内页照片
Category: Fiction

Barcode: 89605868

ISBN: 9781934618509
Pages: 18
Age / Level: 0-3
Type & Binding: 纸板书,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 10.95
价值: ¥88
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥17,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Begin Smart

Overview / 简介:
简单地说,太有创意了,太好了!大人看到了都喜欢得不得了!Begin Smart 系列书各个是精品!适合 0 -6 岁!

原价 $10.95

Peek-a-boo isn’t a baby’s favorite game just by chance: after a first birthday, a baby begins to understand that even when something isn’t in his sight, it still exists. He expects that a person or an object will reappear eventually—and when the anticipated finally happens, he’s delighted. This charming book, with flaps to lift and see-through die cuts, will help little ones solidify object permanence. There’s even a place for a photo so that the answer to “peek-a-boo, who?” can be a family member . . . or perhaps the reader!

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
This interactive entry in the Begin Smart series of board books invites infants and caregivers to play peek-a-boo. Employing die-cut holes to replace the o’s in boo, the book encourages listeners to lift the cardboard flap to reveal what’s behind. The use of rhyming text (“peek-a-boo two / peek-a-boo blue / peek-a-boo shoe / peek-a-boo moo / peek-a-boo zoo / peek-a-boo who?”) ensures predictability for children, especially with multiple readings. Simple collage constructions of familiar objects are set off against brightly colored, mostly plain backgrounds. The last spread features a photo of father and son; instructions to parents suggest replacing this with a personal photo. The endpapers include a gallery of all the objects portrayed in the book. The sturdy construction should hold up for repeated viewings, and the easy-to-grip holes promise successful page turns for young fingers. This is an attractive addition to toddler programs or one-on-one sharing. Preschool. --Kay Weisman

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Your little one will delight in this picture book and have fun as each page unfolds and shows the surprise inside. Loved the colors, the see-through cut-outs and the surprise ending as described above. A keeper.

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ruby: 宝宝爱“扣扣”     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2012/1/5 13:47:00
每次必借一本这类书,还是那么好。宝宝总是很好奇藏在坑坑里面的东西。1岁左右的宝宝可能更适合这种画着单个动物,做着简单动作的书,不易有太多的剧情。这本书第一页上,画着各种物品和动物,我们主要从这一页上学中英文名称,如宝宝认识了犀牛rihno,蛇snake, 螃蟹crab等,后面的就是具体说第一页上的物品,宝宝自己翻着玩玩,和我在洞洞里拉拉手指鼻子玩,后面有一页鱼吐泡泡,宝宝每次都要学一遍。自己特意买两本小的这类书给宝宝,让她随时翻翻玩玩。
1 顶.  
腊梅花香: 2岁的孩子太不适合了     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2012/12/4 15:18:00
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