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 Also By This Author...
My Family History(Fancy Nancy系列,纽约时报畅销系列丛书第一名)
Fancy Nancy and the Too-Loose Tooth (I Can Read Book 1) [Paperback]
Fancy Nancy and the Boy from Paris(Fancy Nancy系列,纽约时报畅销系列丛书第一名)
Fancy Nancy: The Dazzling Book Report(I Can Read Book 1)(Fancy Nancy系列,纽约时报畅销系列丛书第一名)
Fancy Nancy: The Show Must Go On(Fancy Nancy系列,纽约时报畅销系列丛书第一名)
Fancy Nancy at the Museum(Fancy Nancy系列,纽约时报畅销系列丛书第一名)
Lulu Goes to Witch School(I Can Read Book 2)(纽约时报畅销Fancy Nancy系列丛书第一名的作者Jane O'Connor著作)
Lulu Goes to Witch School(I Can Read Book 2)(纽约时报畅销Fancy Nancy系列丛书第一名的作者Jane O'Connor著作)
Fancy Nancy and the Too-Loose Tooth (I Can Read Book 1) [Paperback]
My Family History(Fancy Nancy系列,纽约时报畅销系列丛书第一名)
Fancy Nancy: The Dazzling Book Report(I Can Read Book 1)(Fancy Nancy系列,纽约时报畅销系列丛书第一名)
Fancy Nancy and the Boy from Paris(Fancy Nancy系列,纽约时报畅销系列丛书第一名)
Fancy Nancy at the Museum(Fancy Nancy系列,纽约时报畅销系列丛书第一名)
Lulu Goes to Witch School(I Can Read Book 2)(纽约时报畅销Fancy Nancy系列丛书第一名的作者Jane O'Connor著作)
Lulu Goes to Witch School(I Can Read Book 2)(纽约时报畅销Fancy Nancy系列丛书第一名的作者Jane O'Connor著作)
Fancy Nancy: The Show Must Go On(Fancy Nancy系列,纽约时报畅销系列丛书第一名)

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Fancy Nancy: The Dazzling Book Report(I Can Read Book 1)(Fancy Nancy系列,纽约时报畅销系列丛书第一名)  有内页照片 有 mp3  可点读
Author:   O'Connor, Jane
Category: Level Reading-2  Fiction - Humorous 

Barcode: 63004434

ISBN: 9780061703683
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Level Reading
Original Price: $ 3.99
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Fancy Nancy

Overview / 简介:
Nancy's first book report is sure to be dazzling. After all, she is the second-best artist in her class. She is using beads, fringe, and a fancy border. And she is writing about Sacajawea, a true-life heroine. What could go wrong?

Join Nancy as she learns that you can't judge a book report by its cover! With simple text and vibrant illustrations, this newest addition to the Fancy Nancy I Can Read series will delight readers young and old.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 1—Monday is Library Day and Fancy Nancy is thrilled that she gets to pick out a book ("It is like getting a present for a week!") and write a report about a real person. She chooses Sacajawea, "…a princess [who] lived two hundred years ago out West." Somehow, however, Nancy is only able to concentrate on the artistic masterpiece she creates for the cover of her assignment, and leaves herself time to write a report of only two sentences before falling asleep. The girl needs a true heroine to come to the rescue when she presents her report, and her understanding teacher rises to the occasion. The text contains short sentences, an easy-on-the-eyes font size, and plenty of white space. New "fancy" words are defined throughout the text and in a glossary. This artistic endeavor is accompanied by the expected colorfully detailed illustrations. A welcome addition for independent readers

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Nancy doesn't just use ordinary words, she uses fancy words to describe her surroundings. This is a great book to introduce the usage of a thesaurus with children. I use her books to encourage my students to choose synonyms (from a thesaurus) in their creative writing to replace worn out words with "fancier" words the way Fancy Nancy does

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感谢Rita 2Y提供图片     --来自这本书另一个版本的图片

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