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Snowbear's Christmas Countdown(名家Theresa Smythe著作)  有书评 有内页照片  可点读
Author:   Smythe, Theresa
Category: Fiction - Christmas  Concepts 

Barcode: 63000436

ISBN: 9780312581411
Pages: 40
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
Step-by-step preparation for a specific event, counting with numbers, and marking the passage of days with a calendar are all combined in this clever story of a little polar bear getting ready for Christmas. Every page represents another day on the December calendar in which Snowbear experiences a different holiday activity. Day one is for scribbling a list for Santa, day thirteen is for sledding with friends, and so on. The busy little bear sends Christmas cards, wraps gifts, puts up lights, and makes ornaments for the tree as the days gradually count down to Christmas. Superb cut-paper and cloth collages illustrate the industrious proceedings.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 2–On December 1, Snowbear begins his preparations for Christmas by making a wish list for Santa. Each of the next 24 days finds him engaged in a new activity–stringing lights, arranging his snow-globe collection, sending cards, making ornaments, wrapping presents, watching his favorite holiday movies. The simple text and appealing cut-paper collage illustrations provide a complete iconography for a warm-and-fuzzy celebration for this winning character and his animal friends.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
The month of December is very special for Snowbear, as it is home to the Christmas holiday. So Snowbear begins making preparations for the big day. He puts up his decorations, sends out Christmas cards, writes a letter to Santa Claus at the North Pole, buys gifts for all of his friends, rides his sled, makes hot chocolate and cookies, and tons more. And as each day passes, Snowbear's excitement increases at the prospect of the holiday that is quickly coming. Theresa Smythe has created a wonderful new children's book that captures the excitement that everyone feels around the Christmas holiday, while inserting a subtle teaching method, that will help young readers learn to count from 1 to 25 with the help of Snowbear. Filled with an easy-to-read story, and lovely illustrations SNOWBEAR'S CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN will be a favorite among parents, and children, as well as educators.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Theresa Smythe has fond memories of Christmases shared with her family when she was a child—baking cookies, singing carols, and sitting in the backseat of the family car with her brothers and sister, admiring neighborhood holiday decorations. Formerly a television and feature-film animator, Ms. Smythe is also the illustrator of The Runaway Valentine.

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清晨阳光: 有一本关于圣诞节的书----开心迎接圣诞节     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2010/11/23 16:21:00

进入12月了,小熊开始为圣诞节做准备了:从第1天直到第24天,小熊忙的不亦乐乎,列出圣诞清单,做圣诞贺卡,买圣诞礼物,布置圣诞树……最后小熊在朋友们的帮助下,he had himself a very Merry Christmas!好一个勤劳又快乐的圣诞节啊。通过这本书,一方面孩子了解了第一、第二、第三……的英语表述,学习有关圣诞的习俗等内容。
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gaoqiru: 适合圣诞节读的书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/1/4 15:37:00
12月份中旬开始跟女儿一起读这本书,一直读到过圣诞节,既能帮助跟现实生活情景对应,又能增加节日气氛。女儿最喜欢让我念那个list,然后说自己想要什么礼物。并说“snowbear 要的礼物太多了,只能要一个或者两个。”;其次还喜欢snowbear坐在火炉边喝茶看书的那页。读了几遍后她发现封面上小猫的皮毛、企鹅的皮毛是不同的。
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margie: 圣诞礼物     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/12/29 13:10:00
看了阳光在论坛里的介绍去接的这本书。书如推荐。感谢阳光。拿到书时刚好是12月23日,晚上开始给宝讲书。书里的内容也是孩子们喜欢的,内容涉及到做手工、生病、滑冰、go shoping、装饰屋子等多个场景的描述和表达。可以根据孩子喜好精读的书。
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冰城宝贝: 差不多读了一个月的书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2012/12/31 11:24:00
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Luck: 为圣诞节而忙碌的小熊     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/5/8 14:59:00
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孝感儿童英文图书馆: 细节很温馨的圣诞书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/12/22 13:17:00
snowbear和好朋友charlie一起吃午餐,charlie给snowbear带了一盒candy cane,snowbear吃多了肚子痛,躺在床上,缩在毯子里看电影,孩子们都好喜欢小熊和它的朋友们。
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