Series / 所属系列: |
Toot and Puddle
Overview / 简介: |
While Puddle is busy enjoying the "music" of Woodcock Pocket, Toot is off to the Congo on an African adventure. "Be sure to listen to the music of the jungle!" Puddle reminds Toot as he takes off, but Toot isn’t so sure he’s good at listening to the music. That’s until he meets a tribe of Bambuti Pygmy Pigs who are good at two things: gathering honey to trade and playing music! They encourage Toot to "get with the beat" and soon he’s singing, dancing, and drumming up a storm all over the jungle.
Meanwhile, inspired by a postcard Toot has sent of his new friends, Puddle decides he should find an instrument too. He searches all around the house for something he can play. An over-turned water barrel just might do the trick! Boy, will he have a surprise when Toot gets back! This musical journey both home and abroad ends with laughter and joy and reminds us that music can be found just about anywhere you’re willing to look. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
Toot & Puddle books are very fun to read to your children. They teach you the fun in traveling or just simply having good friends. One quote they say a lot is "The more places you go, the more things you know!" Both Toot and Puddle share and work with each other when they disagree. We own "Get with the Beat", "Toot's Tour of Italy" and "The Great Cheese Chase." My 5 and 3 year old love all of those books. My son in Kindergarten likes to help me read a lot of the words too. If you can catch the show on TV it is just as cute and entertaining. These books are printed as "National Geographic Little Kids" books so they do get to learn about places to go while enjoying the story line. |
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