Series / 所属系列: |
: Ready to Read 是 Simon Spotlight 出版的、和 Nickelodeon、CGTV 等电视动画片密切配合的分级读物。这套书最显著的特点,就是和动画片紧密结合,Nickelodeon、CGTV 等播放的电视动画片,对应的分级读物都在这套书中,包括著名的海绵宝宝(SpongeBob Squarepants)、朵拉(Dora)、The Backyardigans(花园宝宝)、Go Diego Go!、Wonder Pets!、Go Gabba Gabba、Blue's Clues(蓝色斑点狗) 等动画片对应的绘本,所有的美国孩子都至少看过这些中的部分动画片,几乎每个美国孩子都对这些书津津乐道。另外,现在国内的卫星电视也可以看到 Nickelodeon 频道了。
Max and Mo
Overview / 简介: |
In a series of adorable Level 1 Ready-to-Reads, award-winning author Patricia Lakin and the ever-talented Brian Floca tell the story of two hamsters who live in a classroom as pets. Mo, a hamster who likes to know things, and Max, a hamster who likes to make things, team up to bust out of their cage and explore their art class/home during holiday time. In each story, these furry friends learn about a holiday and make a tie-in craft that readers learn to make too, thanks to Patty's simple instructions in the back of each book. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This review is from: Max & Mo's First Day at School (Ready-to-Read. Level 1) (Paperback)
My 5 year old son loves this book was a must have! These adorable little hamsters are so cute! We have read the book over and over again. There is a project at the end of the book that we have also done multiple times. Would highly recommend the Max & Mo books! |
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