Series / 所属系列: |
: Ready to Read 是 Simon Spotlight 出版的、和 Nickelodeon、CGTV 等电视动画片密切配合的分级读物。这套书最显著的特点,就是和动画片紧密结合,Nickelodeon、CGTV 等播放的电视动画片,对应的分级读物都在这套书中,包括著名的海绵宝宝(SpongeBob Squarepants)、朵拉(Dora)、The Backyardigans(花园宝宝)、Go Diego Go!、Wonder Pets!、Go Gabba Gabba、Blue's Clues(蓝色斑点狗) 等动画片对应的绘本,所有的美国孩子都至少看过这些中的部分动画片,几乎每个美国孩子都对这些书津津乐道。另外,现在国内的卫星电视也可以看到 Nickelodeon 频道了。
Overview / 简介: |
Helen Keller cannot see or hear. But that does not stop her from playing tricks on people, including her new teacher, Annie Sullivan. Still, Annie will not give up on Helen. Can Helen ever learn to trust her teacher?
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Grade 1-2-These beginning readers relate a single anecdote about each of their subjects. Krensky tells a great deal about the character of our 16th president in this humorous account of when, wearing a new suit, Lincoln rescued a pig stuck in a mudhole. The colorful illustrations flow across the pages and complement the text. In relating one incident, Lakin reveals many facts about Keller and Annie Sullivan. In this story, Helen is caught in a tree during a storm and is rescued by her teacher. It is then that the child learned of "the power of Nature" and "the power of friendship." The cartoon illustrations are dominated by blues, greens, and pinks; those in Keller are somewhat amateurish. The texts are straightforward; however, Lincoln contains undocumented dialogue. Both books include short chronologies.
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
My 5 year old daughter has developed a great interest in Helen Keller, and we've collected several children's books about her. This book and one other are her two favorites, and they have been read many times. This book helped develop an interest in learning sign language for my daughter. I highly recommend it for a small child as an introduction to biographies. |
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