Series / 所属系列: |
Ant Bully
Overview / 简介: |
Lucas 因常常欺负蚁群被变成跟蚂蚁一样大小,在蚁群那里Lucas学会了很多东西。最终回到了原始大小。
Adapted from the new Warner Brothers movie Ant Bully. Lucas, the new kid on the block is picked on by the neighborhood bully, and in turn terrorizes the ant colony. The ants create a potion that shrinks Lucas to the size of an ant. They put him on trial, and find him guilty of crimes against the colony -- his sentence? To live and work as an ant! Lucas learns about teamwork and the importantce of friendship as he faces enemies like killer wasps, toads, and worst of all the extirminator. In the end, Lucas saves the colony and is returned to his normal size. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
I bought this for my 6 year old. She loves to read and really loves to write stories. She can use this book, but it will also grow with her. She should benefit from this one for several years. In the meantime, we have a lot of fun as she's learning "what another word for___?" |
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