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Green Light Readers
: 被 Boston Sunday Herald 誉为初学阅读的家庭必备书,每本书的作者都是有名的儿童作家及教育家,和绘本一样的幽默搞笑,但文字更有针对性,训练也更加系统。每本书的最后都附有使用指导。
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
indergarten-Grade 2—Straightforward vocabulary, short sentences, and crystal-clear photos combine to provide a brief overview of a butterfly's life cycle. Information is presented in story format, with the creature offering a first-person narration that occasionally rhymes: "Rain falls. It plips and plops. I need to drink water. I drink the small drops." For the most part, the crisp close-ups directly follow the text, illustrating the highlighted details. However, the narrative states, "I grew in an egg. Then I hatched," a process not shown in the photos. On another page, the text reads, "Look at me now! I am an insect. I have six legs," but it's difficult to count these appendages in the accompanying picture. Still, the book's pleasant narrative flow and appealing full-color photos will captivate and encourage beginning readers. "What Do You Think?" questions are appended. An eye-catching addition to easy-reader collections. |
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